Copy Editing for Creatives
Are you an artist, photographer, designer, or planner?
Do you catch yourself seeing little mistakes on your website, blogs, social media posts, ads, or emails after you share them that drive you crazy?
If so, LET ME HELP YOU! Unlike the majority of American society, I love the English language and have a solid grasp on grammar--after all, I have been teaching middle school Language Arts for 20+ years! Call me crazy, but I love punctuation marks, sentence structure, and most of all, good words.
And, I am a creative, just like you. I own and run a wedding and portrait photography business (since 2012), so I understand how important it is for you to have your own unique voice, style, and brand. My goal is not to change it, but help it to become crystal clear so that you can communicate more effectively with your audience!
A few things you might need to know:
I am a full-time middle school teacher and have taught reading and writing for 26+ years. I have a BS in Elementary Education and an M.Ed. in Middle Level Education with a focus in English Language Arts and Social Studies.
I love proofreading. “I’m silently correcting your grammar” doesn’t even begin to describe how my mind works--it’s hard for me to turn it off (and really irritates my husband).
I am a big fan of the Oxford comma. Yes, that’s the little comma that goes right before the conjunction when you are listing a bunch of stuff. A lot of the world says it’s not necessary, but I think it is--otherwise, your “I love steak, potatoes, and cheesecake” becomes “I love steak, potatoes and cheesecake.” (That’s just weird.)
I will capitalize all your i’s. I blame the inability to properly capitalize that pronoun on Apple...the iPod, iPhone, and iMac have crushed our concept of correct capitalization!
So if I sound like your kind of editor, let me know if you are interested in having me proofread your “creative” writing! I would love to help you put that finishing touch on your words so that you can perfect your voice online and exceed your potential!
By the page--and fill that page up as much as you can with social media posts, blog posts, email templates, website copy, etc. (standard margins, 11 pt. font): $5.99/page
Package including 3 blog posts + 5 social media posts: $19.99
For novels, we can discuss pricing based on your timeline and editing needs!
1-3 days, depending on length of the editing job and my availability
Delivery Method:
Google docs (using the ability to edit errors and use comments to suggest other minor changes)
“I hired Kimberly to proofread my educational materials and I could not be happier with the entire process! As an educator, it is so important for me that someone review my content before it gets to my students! Kimberly was quick and thorough, and gave me such invaluable suggestions! Working with her was seamless and I will be definitely using her again in the future!
“I offer the highest praises for Kimberly’s editing and absolutely recommend any author to hire her to edit your work. The time and energy she invested in editing my first novel was beyond comprehension. She went beyond grammatical and structural error correction and engaged the story at a level of getting to know the characters I’d created, the setting, and even the less obvious background of the story within the story. It was in these areas her advice was essential.
After multiple beta readers provided suggestions to the initial drafts of my novel, I wondered if their editing suggestions were enough. Without reservation, I can affirm that turning to Kimberly as a professional editor was essential. Kim’s eye for detail, rich vocabulary, character engagement, and thoughtful suggestions were essential to the final version of Uninvited Guest.
Reviews for my first novel have started coming in; each has been wonderfully encouraging. Such reviews would not exist if I would have chosen to publish without using Kimberly for the final version of my work. After having invested thousands of hours in writing and rewriting, my 80,000-word novel would have remained a story with the potential to engage readers, yet a story poorly told. Thank you Kimberly! I look forward to working with you again for the second book of my series.